

Unity WebGL
Video Player SDK

Stream live and on-demand (VOD) video in HLS and MPEG-DASH formats inside your web Games.


ONE WEBGL Player SDK for all your Unity web games

Our Unity WebGL Video Player enables premium MPEG-DASH and HLS video streaming in every web game and app on any device (mobile, PC, laptop or VR/AR Headsets)

Premium Customer Support

Our team is used to satisfying the highest level of customer support, we are ready to customize our software for your Unity WebGL project needs.


No matter the content formats you have on Android & iOS, we can play them across all major web browsers, including the most advanced features such as multiview, ad insertion technology, and 360 video.

The premium Unity WebGL Video Player

Support all major browsers

Bring high-quality video streaming in HLS and DASH formats inside your Unity WebGL games across all web browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. HISPlayer’s WebGL Video Player includes the most advanced features such as video ad insertion, advanced metadata extraction, multi-stream, CDN network adaptation, deep events detection, and fully customizable APIs. We are experts in WebGL video streaming technology, ensuring the best video performance also in webXR environments.

Features for any use case

Our Unity WebGL Player allows you to bring HLS and DASH video streams inside the 3D web experiences, Web3D, AR / VR, WebXR, DOOH, and web games. HISPlayer’s WebGL Player SDK comes with an extensive feature set such as fast channel switching, HLS AES-128 Encryption, subtitles & closed captions, Client-Side Ad Insertion, Server-Side Ad Insertion / Server-Guided Ad Insertion, and the latest monetization methods with AWS MediaTailor or customized ID3 tags. It is fully customizable for any web project needs, tell us about your ideas! We make it happen.

Fully customizable

HISPlayer’s Unity WebGL Player Plugin will let you publish your browser games and metaverses across any device, eliminating the limitation of native Unity player capabilities. HISPlayer’s Unity WebGL Player is built to optimize the deployment process (fast and easy integration), making it fully customizable for any Unity WebGL use cases. It ensures a high-quality and seamless streaming and playback experience for both game developers and players. Time to make your WebGL games alive and interactive? Contact us!

Supported Unity Versions:

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, Unity 6 Preview

Supported Rendering Mode:

Render Texture, Material Override, Raw Image

Features Overview


  • mp4 progressive download and playback
  • HLS & DASH Streams (Live and VOD)
  • Advanced ABR (Adaptive Bitrate) control
  • Smooth Streaming
  • Ad Insertion
    • Client-Side Ad Insertion (CSAI)
    • Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI)
    • Server-Guided Ad Insertion (SGAI)
  • 8K UHD Video
  • 4K Resolution
  • Metadata:
    • ID3 Tags, EMSG boxes signaling
  • Multi-stream (multiple video streaming simultaneously)
  • Multiview (multiple camera angles) 
  • 360 Video Playback and Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Easy to integrate
  • Video Streaming inside 3D web experiences
    • WebAR for mobile
    • WebXR for headsets
    • Web3D for desktops
  • Light library size
  • All major video formats (fMP4, MP4, WebM, TS)
  • Low Latency playback with LL-HLS, LL-DASH


  • Fully Customizable UI and integration for external UI 
  • Multiple audio/video tracks
  • Trick Play
  • Time-shifting
  • External & Internal Subtitles & CC (WebVTT, TTML, CEA-608/CEA-708, SRT, SSA/ASS, LRC)
  • Chapters
  • Thumbnails
  • API to retrieve the video’s info (initial/current buffer time, starting time)
  • API to work with the videos directly (ex: add new videos to the queue to ease the fast channel switching or remove videos to release memory)

Ad Insertion

  • VAST, VPAID, VMAP, Playlist
  • Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll
  • IMA SDK for Client-Side Ad Insertion
  • IMA DAI SDK for Server-Side Ad Insertion
  • AWS MediaTailor for Client-Side
  • AWS MediaTailor for Server-Side
  • AWS MediaTailor overlays

Content protection

  • HLS AES-128 encryption

Use Cases

Virtual Remix Japan

TOPPAN Inc. is bringing interactive and premium quality video streaming into their Virtual Remix Japan. The next-gen metaverse, to promote Japanese culture both domestically and internationally within the fully immersive VR and Metaverse experience. Toppan is revolutionizing Gen Z media and entertainment. 

Advanced API control

Did you know that our Unity WebGL Player SDK allows you to control the player at the deepest levels? 

We include ABR controls such as:
– Minimum number of Player buffering in sec
– Detect the number of dropped frames

Ad Insertion

Did you that you can monetize your games by including video ad insertion like YouTube ads? Video ads are common in the OTT(Over-The-Top) industry. No worries, we are compatible with any kind of ad insertion technology such as server-side & client-side ad insertion also on Unity WebGL. Want to unlock a new way to increase game revenue? Learn more about ad insertion below.

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